Our Work: Zulu Community Protection – Online Presence

The Organization

Zulu Community Protection draws its inspiration from the African concept known as Ubuntu. The word has no literal translation to English, but on its most molecular level, Ubuntu is a definition of humanity that centers the community, and our responsibility to one another. We can only be fully human, in other words, through healthy relationships with our neighbors and other human beings. Guided by this vaunted African value system, Zulu Community Protection identifies and trains resources on-campus and on-the-ground to provide the university ecosystem and small businesses with reliable security services.

The Project

Brand Identity, Web Design and Development, Content Development.


The Details

Work on this project included the following services: Illustration, Graphic Design, Branding, Research & Analysis, Content Development, Copy Writing, Web Design & Development, UX/UI Design, Search Engine Optimization, Photo Editing 

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