Good brand marketing is a little bit like a good church. The pastor’s sermon represents the content, the parishioners in the pews are the audience, and the church is your online platform.
But, do you have a Bible?
The Bible for marketers is a documented content strategy which, like scripture, can be referenced for inspiration, guidance, continuity, and, ensures that your content team is all working from the same page. A documented content strategy, like the Bible, leaves nothing to chance and reduces the chances of misinterpretation.
Studies show that marketers who have a documented strategy are more effective and more productive in almost every phase of the process when compared with their peers who have only a verbal strategy, or worse, no strategy at all.
According to a survey by the Content Marketing Institute, 60 percent of marketers who have a documented strategy consider their organization to be effective, compared to 32 percent of marketers who say they don’t have a written strategy. Similarly, 62 percent of the most effective marketers also assert that they follow the strategy “very closely.”
There is no one-size fits all for devising a sound strategy; it’s really whatever works best for you. And it need not be a static document; you can revise as needed.
But without it, it’s a little bit like changing your religion every other Sunday.
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